Dear Mr. President – May 4, 2020

May 4 2020
Dear Mr. President,

Did you enjoy your weekend at Camp David?  You are so lucky to have a vacation home and a helicopter available to take you there. I hope Melania and Barron got to go too.  I read that Ivanka and Jarrod went. Did they bring their children with them? Otherwise, who watches them?  You had mentioned that you hadn’t been out of the White House for months but in fact in was about 6 weeks.  Some of us haven’t been out of the house either but at least you don’t have to cook, clean or do homework with your children.

So what did you do there?  I’ve read about Camp David and seen the pictures of other presidents and their families riding bikes, taking walks in the woods, watching movies and visiting with friends.  But you, you work so hard.  There isn’t a golf course there, is there?  Instead, you had meetings all weekend?  You know the expression “All work and no play makes Donald a dull boy”?  Maybe. you got in a game of Pictionary or Charades? Anyhow, you definitely deserved a break from the Corona Virus Task Force briefings.

I guess I needed a break from those briefings as well.  It was a beautiful weekend here in Michigan.  We could get out to our garden and start cleaning up and even planting some cold weather crops. Speaking of planting, how’s the White House garden doing?  In Michele Obama’s book there is a long chapter on how she got that going.  It was really a wonderful project that involved children, Great American Companies and great, fresh food.  Maybe you or someone else in the White House can give us an update on the garden.  It would be so inspirational for the many Americans who are planning on self sufficiency this summer.

I missed your performance at the Lincoln Memorial.  I guess it was only for the invited guests from Fox Network, not all the American People.  I’ve been to that monument and it is so impressive.  It makes me tear up as the expression on President Lincoln’s face reflects the horror of war and the tremendous efforts he made to keep the Union whole. The Fake Media reported that you said Lincoln got better treatment from the press than you get.  Hmm, were you serious or was that just sarcasm?

It’s hard to argue with your reasoning.  You are both wartime presidents- he with the Civil War and you with the war on a virus.  I just looked up some headlines from that time.  Did you know that an 1862 Mississippi newspaper editorial called President Lincoln a “desperate and mad man”.  Another editorial that followed his death advocated “a continuance of his conciliatory methods of peace”.  On the Internet I found an article that called him a “statesman and lawyer who served as President” for just over 4 years. “He led the country through it’s bloodiest war and perhaps its greatest moral, constitutional and political crisis”.  He also “preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government and modernized the economy.

So, you see, if you want to be worthy of a memorial like President Lincoln’s, you may have to take some criticisms, bad press and work really hard to unite the country and help us through this terrible time. I suggest reading Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  It will give you some pointers on why he is considered our greatest president.

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